
Is LS AUTO LEV 01 the Biggest EV Scam in Nepal?

LS AUTO’s LEV 01, a so-called revolutionary EV in Nepal, raises serious red flags with its nonexistent manufacturer, vague claims, and suspiciously misleading information.
March 11, 2025
Is LS AUTO LEV 01 the Biggest EV Scam in Nepal?

Nepal recently got a brand-new electric vehicle, the so-called “LEV 01,” which looks stylish, sleek, and modern—just what you’d expect from a futuristic EV. Amazing features? Check. Groundbreaking innovation? Check. But wait, there’s a tiny problem—this car and its manufacturer seem to exist only in the imagination of some marketing genius.

The car is supposedly manufactured by LS AUTO and imported to Nepal by Nexon Ventures Pvt. Ltd. Now, here’s the fun part: try searching for LS AUTO in China. Guess what? It’s nowhere to be found. A ghost company, perhaps? And the cherry on top? LEV 01 is the only car ever “produced” by LS AUTO. No history, no legacy—just a sudden emergence out of thin air.

If you think Google will save you with more information, think again. Other than a shady-looking official website for Nepal and a few “reviews” from people who clearly didn’t bother fact-checking (or maybe they just loved the money they got for promoting it), there’s nothing.

The website is a goldmine of nonsense. Every feature seems to be AI-generated, with little to no actual information. For example, under “Less Energy Consumption,” it proudly states, “with an impressive drag coefficient.” Wow, so impressive! But wait—what exactly is the drag coefficient? Oops, they forgot to mention that. Small details, right?

Car Features

Let’s talk about their website navigation. Clicking on the LEV 01 menu leads to “” Notice something weird? The page is named “les01” instead of “lev01.” Maybe they were just too busy scamming people to notice, or maybe they’re subtly hinting that the “s” in “les01” stands for “scam.” A genius-level mistake.


Now, let’s check out the specs. They claim a range of “500+ km.” Even the company itself doesn’t seem to know the exact number—because why bother with specifics when vague claims work just fine?


Here comes the best part—safety. The website proudly declares that LEV 01 has a 5-star rating from Euro NCAP. Intriguing, right? So, using my extraordinary research abilities, I did the unthinkable—I actually checked the Euro NCAP website. And, surprise, surprise, LS AUTO and LEV 01 don’t exist there. How can a car company be this careless about safety? Unless, of course, they just made it all up.

Car Safety

The “About Us” section is another masterpiece. It says the car is designed by “Top Car Designers.” Is that an actual company name, or did they just slap together a fancy phrase to sound credible? They also claim to have a “Global Network Chain.” Oh really? Which globe are they talking about? Because it sure isn’t this one. Every sentence reads like it was written by a five-year-old trying to sound smart.


Now, in the “Our Data” section, they claim the car has won three awards. Three! Amazing! But wait, which awards exactly? Maybe they won “Best Scammer of the Year”—that’s one award they definitely deserve.


Thankfully, people aren’t as dumb as these YouTubers think. There are plenty of comments on YouTube from skeptics calling this car out for what it really is—a scam.


On a serious note, the government needs to take action against this blatant fraud. Scamming people in broad daylight and getting away with it? Now that’s next-level boldness.

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