
Why Was the Youth Assaulted by Police in Chitwan?

January 21, 2025
Why Was the Youth Assaulted by Police in Chitwan?

The individual who was beaten by the police during a check on the bypass road section of Bharatpur Metropolitan City Ward No. 11 in Chitwan has been identified as Amrit Kumal from Jugedimai Tol.

A video of the police assaulting him on the night of Poush 15 was made public on social media on Magh 6. Initially, the identities of the assailant officer and the victim were unknown. However, on Monday, the police confirmed that Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Buddhi Bahadur Bhujel Gharti was responsible for the assault, and the victim was Amrit Kumal.

Suspension of the Officer

ASI Bhujel was suspended on Monday for his misconduct. At the time of his suspension, he was attending training.

The Chitwan District Police Office has formed a five-member committee led by Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Gyan Kumar Mahato to investigate the incident.

The committee has been tasked with holding discussions with both the involved police officers and the victim and uncovering the truth. However, the victim is currently out of contact, and efforts are underway to locate him.

Police Deployed Against Drug Abuse

Following requests from locals, the police had been deployed in the Ganeshthan area of Bharatpur Metropolitan City to address issues of drug abuse. The Chitwan District Police Office had established a temporary police post in the area, with a team of seven officers led by ASI Bhujel. Bhujel had been working there for the past year.

Under the police’s initiative, locals had formed a Drug Abuse Awareness and Reduction Committee, which worked to identify, counsel, and control drug users. The police had been operating the campaign as a “pilot project” in collaboration with the community. ASI Bhujel was actively involved in the initiative and was well-known among the locals.

Upon learning of Bhujel’s suspension, a group of locals visited the District Police Office to gather more information. One local from Ganeshthan acknowledged Bhujel’s significant contribution to controlling drug abuse but agreed that the assault was wrong.

Sequence of Events

On the night of January 29, ASI Bhujel and his team from the Ganeshthan temporary police post were conducting checks on the bypass road section. Three motorcycles and one scooter were stopped during the operation. When the police saw young men on loud motorcycles, they stopped them. Some of the individuals abandoned their vehicles and fled.

Amrit Kumal, however, was unable to escape. ASI Bhujel allegedly assaulted him, accusing him of “trying to use higher connections.” The police then took him into custody and conducted a medical check-up at a hospital. The hospital report revealed that he had consumed alcohol, and he was held in custody for one night, according to DSP Gyan Kumar Mahato.

“After spending one night in custody, Kumal was fined by traffic police on January 30 and handed over to his family, including his mother,” said DSP Mahato. “Even during the medical check-up or when he was handed over to his family, Kumal did not mention being assaulted by the police. The officers involved also did not report anything. This issue surfaced nearly a month after the incident.”

A local youth from Ganeshthan stated that Amrit had a history of being taken into police custody multiple times for legal violations. “ASI Bhujel was familiar with him and aware of his past actions. Bhujel may have assaulted him in a fit of anger after being troubled by him repeatedly,” the youth said. “However, even if he was angry, he should not have resorted to such violence.”

To uncover the truth, the police are making efforts to hear from both sides. The search for Amrit and his associates is ongoing.

“We are searching for him and his other friends,” said DSP Mahato, head of the investigation committee. “We should have more details within a few days.”

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